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Camp Updates

COVID Policy and Procedure Highlights as of 6/3/21


• At this time, per CDC and ACA, COVID vaccination is not a requirement of campers or staff but is highly encouraged for all eligible individuals. Additionally, at this time, we do not plan on making cabin assignments or changing our prevention or mitigation plans based on vaccination status of either campers or staff.
• Staff training has been extended to 2 weeks to give staff an extended orientation and onsite quarantine time prior to camper arrival.
• Staff will be rapid tested approximately one week into training and at anytime they are symptomatic throughout the season.
Please keep an eye on your email: To expedite check-in, all check in forms will be sent to caregivers in advance and should be brought to check-in already completed. Additionally, a pre-camp screening will be sent and should be completed that can be done one of two ways to best suit the camper:

  • 14 days of ‘quarantine’ and symptom screening with no PCR test prior to session

  • 7 days of ‘quarantine’ and symptom screening and negative PCR test 1-3 days prior to session

  • ‘Quarantine’ for our purposes means:

    • ​Campers and their families do not attend any large (10+ person) gatherings, including with extended family members outside of their household

    • Campers and their families wear masks and maintain physical distance when around anyone outside of their household (including when seeing extended family, who would ideally also be wearing masks)

    • Campers and their families limit their exposure to the public as best they can, with exceptions for essentials such as work, dayhab, medical appointments, grocery trips, etc.

    • When doing essential tasks in public, campers and their families wear masks, minimize time indoors/in poorly ventilated areas, perform good hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette & maintain physical distance as best they can

Remember, a healthy camp starts at home! When preparing your camper for their session this year, please reinforce good hand hygiene habits, cough etiquette, distancing and mask wearing so your camper is well-prepared for camp!

  • Fully vaccinated campers and fully vaccinated cabin staff will not be required to wear masks when interacting with individuals in their cabin cohort.

  • Unvaccinated campers will be recommended (not required) to wear masks throughout their session, even in their cohort.

  • Unvaccinated staff will be required to wear masks throughout the season.

  • Vaccinated adventure directors, leadership staff and nursing staff will be required to wear masks anytime they are within 6 feet of or indoors with individuals from outside of their cohort.

  • Exceptions for all campers and staff include while eating, drinking, swimming, showering, brushing teeth and sleeping.

  • When required to wear masks, the masks must completely cover nose and mouth, fit snugly against sides of face and have multiple layers. Gaiters, bandanas, scarves, and masks with valves or vents are not acceptable.

  • Please also discuss sleeping head to foot as campers and staff will be encouraged to do this to the best of their ability.

• Make plans for different check-in and check-out processes – see below –

Check-In and Check-Out:

• No transportation will be offered in the 2021 year of programming
• Should a camper come down with symptoms that cannot be otherwise explained (and/or rapid test positive), there must be someone within 3 hours of camp for pick up

  • This can be the caregiver themselves or another emergency contact nearby

Please limit the number of people you bring to check in and check out:

  • Everyone in vehicle will have temperature & symptom checks before parking

  • Everyone planning to go through check in will need an appropriate mask

  • Visitor restrooms will be available. 

• All of check in will happen at or around the cabin porches.
• Only 1 caregiver will accompany the camper into their cabin if needed; others can ask questions of or meet the staff outside of the cabin.
• Campers and their belongings will be brought out to the parking lot for check out to minimize contact between caregivers and other campers & cabin staff.
• Weekly slideshows will not be shown but may be purchased from camp store.

During Camp:

• All non-pharmaceutical interventions will be utilized to the best of camps ability: distancing/cohort separation, screening, masking, hand hygiene, cough etiquette, cleaning, etc.
• Capacity will be limited to 60 campers in Summer and 72 in Fall, spread across 6 cabins.
• Who will be coming on and off camp?

  • No tours, visitors or daily volunteers allowed to minimize exposure during the week. Vendors will be expected to follow all masking and distancing protocols and will have no direct contact with campers.

  • If parents need to drop off items for their campers, they will be met in the parking lot and asked not to leave their vehicle.

  • Volunteers will be evaluated on case by case basis and admitted based on vaccination status, possible exposures, length of volunteer position and desired volunteer position.

  • Cabin staff will be expected to stay onsite while campers are present and maintain precautions as much as possible while offsite on weekends. Kitchen and maintenance staff who live offsite will have no direct contact with campers.

• Daily temperature and symptoms screening will be performed for all individuals.
• Cabin groups will have their own distinct and physically distanced locations for all activities and meals.

  • Meals will be packaged and delivered to these distanced locations. Cabins are welcome to picnic outdoors, but indoor areas will be provided for relief from the summer heat.

  • Cabins will have their own designated activity materials when possible, which will be cleaned in between weeks/groups.

• When COVID-suspect symptoms arise:

  • If temperature or symptoms cannot be attributed to another known cause, the camper will be relocated to the quarantine cabin and caregivers will be notified to come and pick-up camper within 3 hours’ time.

  • When a camper is sent home due to COVID-related concerns, all other camper families from that cabin will be notified and given the option to pick up early.

  • Because fully vaccinated and asymptomatic individuals are exempt from quarantine, if enough of those staff work in a cabin where a lab-confirmed COVID positive person stayed, the cabin will continue to run the following week. If there are not enough of these staff, the cabin will close and campers scheduled to come the following week will be rescheduled.

After Camp:

Campers will be asked to alert Camp Summit with any COVID-19 symptoms or positive test results up to 14 days after checking out so Camp Summit can do any contact tracing as needed.


When is Camp Happening?

Camp will begin in person weeklong camping with the Summer Season on May 23rd. We will have day and weekend programs during the spring months before Summer. See the calendar here.



When can I register?

Registration is currently open. You can click here to register. If the week you want is full make sure to sign up for the waiting list.



Can I still sign up with my friends to be in the same cabin?

Yes! Just make sure to put their first and last name in your friend request section of the registration process.



Can we still do the same activities we loved in the past?

YES! Camp will be full of many of our regular activities with safety precautions in place.



Do I have to wear my mask the whole time I’m at camp?

Fully vaccinated campers and fully vaccinated cabin staff will not be required to wear masks when interacting with individuals in their cabin cohort. Unvaccinated campers will be recommended (not required) to wear masks throughout their session, even in their cohort.



What kind of mask do I need for camp?

You can have any mask as long as it completely covers your nose and mouth, fits snugly against the sides of your face, and has multiple layers. (So no pesky bandanas, scarves, gaiters or masks with valves or vents please!) For more information on this, please see the CDC Guide to Masks.



Will COVID-19 be at camp this year?

You could be exposed to COVID-19 while you are at Camp Summit, but the staff and your friends are all working hard by staying distant from our friends outside their cabin groups and wearing our masks.



Can I still come to camp if I need help from the counselors?

YES! Our staff are ready to help campers in their cabins with their needs just like any other year. The staff will just be wearing masks when needed, washing their hands more, and using hand sanitizer to make sure we stay healthy.



Do I have to get the COVID-19 vaccine before I come to camp?

COVID-19 vaccines should offer excellent protection for those who get them, but they are not a requirement for camp this year. We understand that not everyone will be able to get a vaccine, or feel safe getting it, before summer. We have changed many things about the way camp will run to hopefully make it as safe and healthy (and fun!) as possible for everyone – vaccinated or not. For more information on vaccines, please see the CDC Guide to COVID-19 Vaccines.



I got the vaccine for COVID-19, do I still have to quarantine or get a negative COVID-19 test before I come to camp?

That is great! The vaccine is a great way to keep you safe but not everyone has decided to get the vaccine. Because not everyone has decided to get the vaccine, we ask that everyone quarantine or a negative test with quarantine to make sure we take care of our friends who haven't gotten the vaccine.



Can I dance with my boyfriend or girlfriend at the dance on Thursday night?

We love that you have a special friend that you usually dance with on Thursday night but this year we are only dancing with our friends that we have in our cabin to keep everyone from the other cabins safe.



Can I go to the store during check-in or check-out? What about coke money?

We ask that your parent or caregiver shop for you in the store after they've dropped you off at your cabin. Coke money will still be available. 



Are we going to sing camp songs?

YES! Camp might be different this year but one thing that wont change is the fun we will have with silly songs, our new friends we meet, fun activities, and the best camp experience we can give you!



What happens if I feel sick before camp?

We ask that if you feel sick before you come to camp to call us at 940-433-3338 and let us know so we can get you into another week of camp once you feel better.



What happens if I feel sick during camp?

The staff will check your temperature and ask you questions about how you are feeling everyday at camp. If you are sick, we will do our best to make you feel better then have your parents come pick you up so you can get well and come back to camp as soon as possible.



What happens if I feel sick within 14 days after camp?

If you feel sick within 14 days after you leave camp, you need to call Camp Summit so we can wish you well and let your friends know they have a friend who is not feeling well so they can get checked out in case they are sick too.  



I usually come to camp through transportation with the pickup at the Dallas office, bus, or airplane, can I still come to camp?

Yes, you can still come to camp but Camp Summit will not be able to pick you up at the Dallas office, bus station, or Airport. You will need to find another way to get to camp without Camp Summit picking you up. Maybe you can ride with a friend or family member to camp this year. ROAD TRIP!



If you have any other questions, feel free to email us at or call 972-484-8900

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